Monday, November 8, 2010

Website updates

A couple of updates have been made on the website. George Webb's letter has been added as the Fall 2010 newsletter on the Newsletters & Minutes page. Also, the Contact Information page has been updated to reflect the new officers that were voted on at our annual meeting.

Friday, October 22, 2010

October 17 Meeting Minutes

The minutes for our annual meeting held October 17th, 2010 are now available to view.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Burn pile update

We are going to reestablish our burns in the area by the dam. Whitney Watson has volunteered to be the burn meister. Weather permitting, he will burn whatever is in the pile on the third Saturday of the month in August, September, and October.

Please be conscientious about what you put in the pile, and remember to put wood "up" rather that "out" in relation to the pile. Finally, we will continue to notify the neighborhood when we can or cannot burn. We ceased burning for the summer, but some folks recently started still putting limbs and brush in the old spot anyway. This creates problems for us, as the water board gets concerned about potential debris in the event of flooding. So don't just toss wood at the site unless we give a green light. It's OK now, but after October, you'll need to follow our announcements.

George Webb
President, SWWHA

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A few issues

Folks -- A few of issues for your knowledge:

1.A resident has expressed concern about the dam area and the possibility of dangerous wildlife that may be lurking nearby. He suggested that residents should be aware and cautious, especially with their children and small pets. He related to me that recently his large (90 lbs) dog sensed something amiss and refused to walk down this area. He couldn't tell if the dog was fearful of a coyote, cougar, or snakes, but if any of these are around, folks should be wary. I would like to hear from anyone who has information or additional observations.

2. The association has a restriction against yard signs, including political signs. However, the 2008 state legislature passed a statute (go figure!) preventing homeowners' associations from restricting political signs for a select period. Associations like ours cannot prohibit the display of political yard signs, which are less than six square feet, for a period 45 days before an election through two days after the election.

This means that for the August 3rd primary election, the first day signs are allowed in restricted neighborhoods is June 19th. For the general election on November 2, the first day for signs is September 18th. If you want to display political signs, please let's everyone use good judgment so that they don't turn into clutter. Remember that our restrictions are intended to keep SWW looking tidy and dignified.

3. Still looking for someone to step up to take the reins as association president in October. After six years (or five or seven?), I can no longer continue, per our by-laws. It would be very helpful if one of our fine residents could stand up and take this on.

George Webb
SWWHA President

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Burn Pile Update

Homeowners -- The recent newsletter stated that since Tom Ballou could no longer oversee the burn pile near the dam, we would have to cease that activity.

One of the adjacent homeowners -- Whitney Watson -- stepped up and took the reins. He has gotten trained and  "certified" by the local fire department to burn. There are several caveats. Please see his note which follows, as it describes what can and can't be done. And please, please don't drop anything off after the cutoff date.

George Webb
SWWHA President


"George, I was notified today by the Topeka FD that my permit has been approved. I will go to the FD offices this week and sign the permit. Burning will start this week and run until May 31, but there are several conditions that must be met. Winds must be between five and 15 MPH, among other things. That being said, it is hard to say when we will be able to burn. If you want to spread the word that folks can add to the pile until they see smoke that would be great. I hate to set a date certain only to have it postponed because of the weather. Once the pile has been burned, folks need to stop using the pile because we cannot burn again until the fall (and then only if someone steps up to take care of it). Sorry I can't offer more specifics.
Whitney E. Watson"


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Association Meeting

The Spring 2010 Association meeting will be held at 7:30pm, Thursday, April 29, 2010 at the YMCA Southwest Branch, Teen Meeting Room.  Hopefully the snow will be melted by then and everyone will be able to make it.